Today Brooklyn turned 8 years old. It took over 1 1/2 years to get pregnant with her, but she came over a week early. I remember going into labor on the morning of the 26th. It is 30 or more hours from the first sign of labor pains to the birth of my kids. I usually go into the hospital when the pain is about a 5 or 6. Because I am usually in the hospital 8 to 10 hours before my babies are born, this time I decided to wait. Nathan and I got to the hospital about 8:15 a.m. I asked for an epideral. The nurses were dragging their feet because they knew this was going to be an all day event. Just as I had put on my hospital gown and needed to use the rest room, I felt like a truck had just ran over my stomach. I yelled, "I need that epideral!" The nurse checked and said, "It is too late." I screamed, "What do you mean it is too late!" followed by a few obsenities. Brooklyn was born just as Live with Regis and Kelly came on the tv. I would not recommend natural child birth. It is way over rated.

Brooklyn makes us laugh everyday! She says and does the funniest things. We just have to shake our heads. We blame it on letter her watch so much television. The other day she said to her teacher, "I struggle with short term memory loss." Her teacher was so concerned and said, "Do you really?" I guess Brooklyn sensed her concern and said, "Not really, I just forget things." She got this term "short term memory loss" from a medical tv show we were watching. She prays every day not to have nightmares, but she is fascinated by horror movies. It's a mystery.
Brooklyn and I were at Target a couple of years ago. Brooklyn was just being herself and saying funny and off the wall things. A lady who seemed to be looking at the same things we were, every once in a while would burst into laughter. She was alone, so I just thought she was crazy. She confessed to me later at the store that she was enjoying listening to Brooklyn so much that she was following us just to see what else Brooklyn would say.
Brooklyn keeps our family laughing! I tell her all the time. "I want you to stay little, so you can always make me laugh and be my little girl." That might be one reason why she doesn't want to turn 8. She says she is not going to turn 8. She is going to be 7 forever. So today she doesn't want a "Happy Birthday" song, or cake or ice cream, or presents. Our family is just celebrating her being our little girl and sister by taking her to a movie, and out to dinner. We love you Brooklyn!
Brooklyn just turned 8 ?!?! Truly, when I read that it SHOCKED me! Where did the time go? For some reason I was expecting she just turned 6, MAYBE 7! She is such a cute little (okay, big) girl. Wow, happy birthday Brooklyn!
you have such a sweet family and I think its so cute how long you and Nathan have known each other! You guys are a perfect match!
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