Thursday, September 4, 2008

Preschool Started Yesterday!!!


The balancing act continues......Yesterday was the first day of preschool. HURRAY!! I teach two classes on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and they are all adorable! Only the best kids come to my preschool. I don't know how I can be so blessed to have the best kids in my preschool, but it happens every year. Look at them! You can tell they are all future leaders (I don't mean of the country). They are the next generation of greatness. That's why my brilliant husband came up with the name of the preschool "Next Generation Preschool".

Speaking of Greatness. One of my students last year is Sadie. She was diagnosed with a rare form of brain cancer earlier this year. She and her family had these bracelets made for anyone who wants to bring awareness to this type of cancer. Check out her blog and wear a bracelet. This sweet family sure can teach us a thing or two about living a balance.


Sara said...

Yay for preschool! Mine starts on Monday, this will be my first full year and I am nervous. Last year went great, I know this year will too but still nervous. What do you do to advertise, I havn't gone down that road yet and am not sure what the best options are?

Kelli Proctor said...

so fun! It was so cool to see your comment on my blog! I am excited you have a blog, I am totally going to link you so we can keep up with each other since we only live a couple blocks from each other.


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