I love getting rid of stuff I don't need, so when Nathan asked me if I would set aside some time on Saturday to help declutter the garage. I said "Absolutely!!"
Nathan suggested we put out a "yard sale" sign down the street to see if maybe we can sell a few things from the garage. I was a little sceptical, but I went along. I don't like accumulating junk, so why would I want to sell people our junk. Well, as our family started to plow through the junk in the garage, people pulled up to ask what we were selling. Apparently "Yard Sale" signs are magnets for people looking for a bargain. My kids ran into the house and got all of the stuff they had set aside for the DI (Deseret Industries/like the Salvation Army). I was freaking out! I didn't want to have a yard sale, but I kept quiet and watched my kids have the time of their lives.
Wow! The kids were really in their element. Brooklyn demonstrated to a little girl how easy it was to ride the bike she wanted to sell. Brooklyn pointed out the bell on the front and the basket that could hold her favorite things. She offered the little girl her bike for 5 cents. I think we ended up selling it for $5. Megan showed people a stuffed animal backpack and how it had never been used and if someone wasn't interested in that, then maybe they would be interested in something else. Preston would point out something that they may like and then run up to his room, to get something they may like more. Trevor gave suggestions on possible prices for items they were selling.
We got much of the garage cleaned up, we created some HLV (Human Life Value) for the kids, and we made over $160. The very best part for me, was pulling out of the driveway to get lunch for the family and seeing the blinds up in the garage window. Nathan too those blinds down 5 years ago so he could paint the inside of the garage. I actually cried when I saw them. It was a great day!!!
It must be that time of year, we have had organization projects out our ears, to Terry's dismay, I create new ones everyday!
You are so cute! I wish it was that easy for me to de-clutter! It drives me crazy how much useless junk we have! Plus we don't really have the space for it so that makes it worse! Yard sales signs are definitely magnets for those looking for good bargains!!
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