My mom told me today that I need to make more posts, so I am sitting down at the laptop in the kitchen and thinking ....what do I write about? The laundry room is just off the kitchen. I am looking at the dryer that has just gone off, and I tell myself, "I should probably get those clothes folded before they get wrinkled."
Ta Da...my subject: But let me fold the clothes first. BRB (Be Right Back)
I'm done! You know, I really don't like to do laundry. I don't ever get a break when it comes to laundry. It never seems to end. When we clean the toilets, at least we can say "Yes, I am done." Have you ever told yourself...."yes, all the laundry is done (washed, folded and put away)." Maybe you have (you also may need your head examined), but just as you say that, an item mysteriously shows up in that dreaded laundry basket. As the family gets bigger, so does the laundry. If you have kids that have accidents, even more laundry. Each day you don't do laundry is another day for it to pile up.
Laundry is never done in my house, However, in order to live in my house, you have to go through my Laundry 101 course. Part of that course includes an understanding that no one is to ever to touch any of mom's clothes. There also can not be anything in the dryer at 7:00 a.m. mostly because Trevor and Brooklyn like to heat up their clothes in the dryer before putting them on in the morning. When you live in a refrigerator like we do, you will understand. Because Preston, Megan and Trevor are older than 12, they must do their own laundry. Preston has Monday, Megan has Wednesday and Trevor has Friday....Ask me how many times they have done their laundry on their assigned day. If you can count to 1 then you got it.
My goal is to do two loads of laundry every day. I put a load in the washer at 5:00 a.m. and then another one around 7:00. Most days the clothes are washed dried and put away by 9:00 a.m. Today was an exception, because Nathan put a load in the washer when he got home from work. Nathan doesn't do laundry. So if he is doing it, the laundry situation has reached critical mass. It doesn't matter if there is only 2 loads to do or 12 loads to do, I only do 2. Eventually I will catch up. We have had guests these past two and half weeks, so taking care of them has taken precedence over the laundry.
I know lots of people who do all of their laundry in one day. I could not do 12 loads of laundry in one day. I would be so burned out, that you would have to throw me into a room with padded walls. I am a believer in slow and steady, steady and slow. It is all part of living a balance. Whatever your balance is, keep it up. At least we no longer have to wash our clothes on washboards.
It is true. With each child the laundry pile grows exponentially! I am impressed you can stick to it and do two every day. I am a once a week person, and yes I spend ALL day doing it and no it is not "done" at the end of the day, but then I don't have to look at laundry again for a whole week and the kids usually don't run out of underwear by that point. I always think how nice it would be to have a maid do my laundry, but how weird would that be to have someone else touching your clothes? Today was my laundry day so I am really feeling your pain!
Hey Happy,
I agree with you completely. I have found that NONE of us, the Larsen kids have a handle on laundry. I've visited everyone's home, and I've asked, and of'coarse they all refer to the PILES of laundry that we grew up with; because there were so many of us. And somehow it has scarred us all into a HATRED for LAUNDRY. I have signs on the front of my washer and dryer telling the kids what they are allowed to wash and dry and what they are NOT allowed to wash and dry. NO Sunday clothing,my scrubs, or Jeff's work sweatshirts are to go in the dryer.
If my house would get done, then I would start to assign the kids days for doing their laundry.
I enjoy your blogs.
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