Warning: This may be inappropriate for the unmarried or people who don't like to talk about s...e....x.
I have a day planner that is so full, that sometimes the to do lists, grocery lists and agendas carry over into the next day. The pages are sprinkled with quotes by different people. This week's quote is from Joyce Brothers, it reads: "Marriage is not just spiritual communion and passionate embraces; marriage is also three-meals-a-day and remembering to take out the trash." I had to laugh out loud at this one. I won't let my husband leave the house without a passionate embrace, (it could be our last after all) but then it is quickly followed by, "Don't forget to..." My husband would rather fill the day with passionate embraces and just skip over the part about taking out the garbage or picking up the clothes off the floor.
A few weeks ago Nathan and I had one of those days just for us. It was a Tuesday, so I didn't have preschool. We sent the kids off to school and spent the morning just hanging out in bed. I never had such a lazy morning in my life. We went to lunch and ran some errands. Lots of passionate embraces but no taking out the trash, or cleaning up. We had the best day together. I told him, "We should do this every Tuesday." He thought a better idea would be every day. I said we had to be responsible every once in a while. After all toilets need to be cleaned, dishes need to be done and laundry needs to be folded.
I think it is possible to be both passionate and responsible, but it is a team effort. When one person is doing all the laundry, dishes, and vacuuming, there is not a balance. My husband's eyes roll in the back of his head when I tell him it is such a turn on to see him elbow deep in toilet water. There is something sexy about a man who loves his wife enough to get on his hands and knees and clean the toilet (he is afterall the one who made the mess).
I think the woman should give into their husband's whenever the husband wants it...and I think husband's should clean up just as often. And everyone should do it without complaint.
Ok...that is not where I was going with this...but it is where I ended up, so take it for what it is worth.
PS...do you really think it is a big deal that the husband put the toilet seat down? Just curious.
I thinks tiolet seats need to be down when not it use, by anyone. After use seat needs to go down.
I love that!! I even had to read it too Scott. But of course he thinks I have to do it every time now. But I totally get what you are saying. We just recently went from a king bed to a queen. (It was our first night last night) It was so wonderful just to be able to lay by my husband. Even though we had a little bump in between us. But thank you for it. It is wonderful. Oh yeah my man puts the seat down. But my boys need to learn :)
At first Ammon had issue with the toilet seat. I asked him why. Well when he had roommates the girls insisted on the toilet seat being down and her reason was because it was her "right" as a woman to have the seat down it didn't matter that the cover was down just the seat. I explained to Ammon that I didn't care if the seat were down just as long as the lid (which I know is the same) I just don't want to walk into the bathroom and be able to see right into the toilet. He agreed that was a reasonable excuse and not one problem ever since. Of course children are a different thing all together. This also reminds me of a different story that I will have to blog about on my blog.
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